The #1 step to growing your sales is getting
your emails regularly opened.
- gives you a fast, easy way to achieve that.
Part 1 of 3
How did we come up with this?
It all started with failure.
We started with the aim to help businesses improve customer experience.
We had such high hopes.
But it wasn't working.
So there were arguments.
Fights about which way to go.
(Morally we decided until the social media platforms clean up their act we wouldn't be active on them.)
And we lost a friend because of it all (hat tip Carl).
Then it happened - Three of us saw the light
The dime finally dropped for Wens, Normie and me.
We realised businesses weren’t interested in what we said about customer experience.
But they did want to:
But we didn’t have a service for that.
So back to the lab we went (we're still there tweaking stuff) and...
Part 2
We analysed what top online marketers do
We looked at the tactics they're using to get their subscribers to keep buying from them.
For instance.
Are you on the email list of a top online marketer?¹
Have you noticed you almost always open their emails.
And have you noticed...
They don't just send you pure sales messages in every email.
And they don’t just email you information.
The tactics they use are simple yet PURE GENIUS:
1. They write interesting content often with a subtle story or video in the email.
2. They give you Free STUFF*.
3. They email you a lot.
And why do they do that?
Because scientific research has proved humans love stories.³
And we all love getting something for nothing.⁴
In fact we get a pleasure hit from them.
So when those marketers send you an email...
Subconsciously you want that pleasure hit again so you keep opening their emails.
And because they're regularly emailing you and giving you free stuff...
They build loyalty and trust with you and eventually you buy something.²
Which means...
Part 3
How to make your sales, profits and loyalty soar
We realised, if we could give marketers/entrepreneurs irresistible, EVERGREEN** email content and gifts/rewards to give their subscribers.
The benefits to them and you would be huge:
You'd have content to help you build loyalty. You could email your subscribers more. And you'd soon see your open rates and sales rise as reciprocity kicked in.
But that's not all...
Because your emails are being opened and read, you'd stay out of spam and promotion folders.
And to show we're not full of BS.
We give a no-risk 1 Year, 100% Money Back Guarantee on our membership.
And more than that...
Bonus Section
You save yourself years of struggle
Because look at the majority of emails you get.
By using you get to use the tactics top online marketers use.
And that's important because...
Look what businesses that are struggling do
Use and you can prevent that happening to you.
So what next?
The brutal truth is...
If your subscribers don't enjoy your emails, they'll stop opening them.
So dip your toes in and try our completely RISK-FREE offer.
Start doing what top online marketers are doing to grow sales and loyalty.
All you need to do now is...
Click below to see if you qualify to get 1 month of animated video stories FREE.
It costs you nothing to add our video story gift packages to your emails.
And who knows...
You may become one of the success stories, who emerges from the current economic carnage.
Rather than the tragic person who has slow or no growth - and is barely getting by.
So don't delay. Act now...
No credit card needed. Cancel anytime.
These are not vague theories - Here's the proof:
Almost all top online marketers know and use these tactics when they can.
*Sometimes what they give is free valuable information. Eg Justin Goff gave his email list a tip worth tens of thousands of dollars. Get it by joining Justin's list or as a bonus for trying
**You can give your subscribers this content again 6 months later and they’ll still enjoy it.
¹Join the email list of top online marketers like Drayton Bird, Pat Flynn, Justin Goff, Brian Kurtz, Daniel Levis, Ben Settle, Ian Stanley, Tim Stoddart or any number of successful online marketers...
And you'll see they email often, put stories in some emails and give away free stuff. And when needed put a video in an email.
²With the reciprocity urge, a small favour can return a much bigger return favour: The power of reciprocity.
³How stories affect us and Why we love stories.
⁴We experience a sense of joy when given an unexpected gift:
Why we love free stuff
Appeal to the emotions and not just logic - and your business will thrive.