Yet people will queue for hours at an
open-air concert to get the best view.
If your emails to subscribers...
Just educate or give information.
You're like the library.
And people will eventually stop opening your emails.... and your sales and profits will fall.
Yet add stories to some of your emails...
And you're like the cool concert act people want to see - and are happy to BUY their stuff.
This is the clever trick top online marketers pull off.
So why not copy what they do?
No credit card needed. Cancel anytime.
And here's a little story to wrap things up
Imagine it's a scorching hot day. You’re driving on a deserted road. And your car breaks down.
As you're talking to the breakdown company, your mobile cuts out.
Now no one knows where you are.
But you don't panic. You decide to start walking.
After a few miles you hear a sliding sound behind you...
You turn and see a guy walking with some kind of solar powered sleigh pilled with food, clothes and bottles of sparkling water..
He stops and asks if you’re ok.
You say you’re trying to get to the next town but you've broken down and you’re running out of water.
He says he knows a SHORTCUT and has lots of water.
He takes a drink and gives you a bottle to drink - you instantly feel better.
You carry on together and a few miles later you see a man slowly walking - he's struggling.
Would you make this fatal mistake?
You ask if he’s ok and he says...
"I’m trying to get to the next town but I've broken down and I’m running out of water."
You tell him, this guy knows a shortcut and we’re going there. And hand him a bottle of water.
He looks at the bottle.
Refuses it. And says he doesn’t like sparkling water.
And he won't even try it.
You look at him in disbelief.
The three of you set off, but he’s struggling. He can't keep up. He's falling behind. And he still refuses to try the sparkling water.
So why is this story relevant to you?
Successful online marketers have BEEN IN THE TRENCHES, spent fortunes and vast amounts of time figuring out what works.
Now you can ignore the tactics they use - and struggle for years.
Or you can copy what they do and become hugely successful.
Because as Warren Buffet said:
"When people tell me they’ve learned from experience, I tell them the trick is to learn from other people’s experience."
Almost all successful online marketers use subtle stories in some emails, give away stuff and email often.
Why not copy what they do.
Don't STRUGGLE and fall behind.
There's no commitment to take membership later. No-risk. No strings. No credit card needed.
Act now. Secure your membership.
No credit card needed. Cancel anytime.

Don't be like a library. Be the concert act everyone wants to see.