If you copy what top online marketers are doing you'll
be more successful.
And right now they're using the video tactic below because...
They know the numbers don't lie - Not 303 million of them
Check this out.
303 million results in Google (when we last looked) mention EMAIL OPEN RATES RISE when you put a video in an email.
Here are some of the remarkable numbers from the results:
Imagine if you had numbers like that for your emails.
Now you see why...
Top online marketers¹ put videos in some emails.
They know it's a NO-BRAINER.
They know it's like pouring lighter fluid on a campfire - Their email open rates and click through rates surge.
How many emails with videos in them - do you see in the spam or promotions tab?
Go and check now.
Hardly any, right?
Which Is Hunky-Dory For Those marketers.
But How Does That Help You?
Because as you know...
Creating good videos is costly, takes time and what do you say in them.
So drum roll please. Here's a FREE, quick and painless way to put videos in your emails
It's so simple. Why not prove it for yourself...
Try Your System vs Our System At Our Expense
Use our system, alongside your system, for 1 months FREE.
See what your email open and click through rate is using our animated video stories.
Then compare it with your usual emails.
No credit card needed. Cancel anytime.
Here's how you can use the tactic to raise your email open
Here's how your VIP Plan works for you:
Like a ribbon round a bomb - that's what your emails become
Once you start using this tactic, the way top online marketers do...
Your emails become more powerful and successful..
However to get there...
A typical Epok.com user will go through 10 stages:
1. Disbelief that putting animated video stories in their emails each week increases open rates, click through rates and sales.
2. Demand proof (sometimes in a hostile way). So we show the PROVEN scientific research. Show how top online marketers use it on them. Show the Google results.
3. Reads every page on our website and reluctantly says to themselves, "There could be something to this."
4. Takes a leap of faith and tries the 3 month free offer.
5. Being impressed by the results so buys VIP membership.
6. Becomes an Epok.com enthusiast and tells business friends they must try it.
7. Being ignored and often ridiculed by business friends who think you've lost the plot.
Business friends want to know what your secret is
8. Months later, astonished at your success, business friends are desperate to know how you did it.
9. You telling them (again) the only thing you're doing differently is using Epok.com.
10. Your business friends take your advice and try Epok.com for 1 month (the 3 month trial has now ended).
Then the above cycle repeats from point 5 on down.
And if you're thinking - there must be a "catch"
This might be it.
Because you're smart enough to know - every story can't be brilliant.
And they aren't.
Some stories are really good, some not as good. And some stories you may not like.
But crucially:
You won't come a cropper with any of the stories.
Because good or bad, liked or not liked - the stories get your emails read.
And that gives you a chance to build a relationship with your subscribers, make sales and secure a bright and better future for yourself.
Is your BS detector going off?
If that sets off your BS detector, read below (then see more proof here).
Look at the last few emails you received from an online marketer whose emails you usually open.
See how at least one of their emails has a story or video in it?
See how they often give you something free?**
There's a reason for all that.
Psychologist have PROVED:
Humans get a pleasure hit from stories. And we all love getting something for free⁴.
(This is why so many top online marketers put stories in some emails and give away free stuff.)
So when they send you an email:
Subconsciously you're hoping to get a pleasure hit again, so you open almost all their emails.
YES. It sounds far-fetched.
Yet it doesn't matter if you're a ditch digger or a millionaire...
People find it hard not to open emails that promise a story or give something free.
Boost sales without advertising or sending cold emails - what bliss
Because remember what we said earlier?
When you use our System, you'll have an animated video story each week. And that means:
In other words...
The odds are beautifully stacked in your favour.
Try it for yourself. Especially as IT'S EASY & RISK-FREE.
Once this offer is gone it's gone forever. Act now.
Do a Google search and you'll see it's been scientifically proven
1. Videos increase email open rates.
2.Videos increase click through rates.
3. All humans like reading, watching or listening to stories.
3. We all get a dopamine hit from an enjoyable story.
Let's recap how easy this is for you as a VIP member
Give yourself the chance to get all of this. And try it at our expense.
Membership to Epok.com is not for everyone. And frankly...
Not everyone who wants to join can.
Here are the four qualifications you must meet:
1. You must have a sense of humour. Doing business with the wrong kind of people is draining. So we only work with people who are fun to do business with.
2. You must have a business/work email address with its own domain name. Free email accounts ending in Gmail, Yahoo etc don't qualify.
3. You must need our service. We don't want to give you false hope so we check each form. If we don't believe you'll benefit from our service we’ll tell you and unsubscribe you.
4. You must agree to try Epok.com for a full month to properly test it. If we see you haven't logged in we can close your account.
Can you meet these qualifications?
If you can...
Act fast and get 3 special bonuses
Special Bonus #1
This bonus makes your emails almost impossible to ignore. And stops them going into spam/promotion folders.
It takes just 5 minutes to do.
And with the sales it stops you losing, you'll feel as happy as if you just got the last train home on a heavy night out.
And that's not all...
Special Bonus #2
This bonus is a tip worth tens of thousands of dollars and comes from email legend Justin Goff. And is so simple anyone with an email list can use it.
And it keeps getting better...
Special Bonus #3
A Bonus Too Valuable to Reveal Here
This bonus is WORTH SO MUCH we can't reveal it publicly.
If we did we'd be swamped with people wanting to join (which would take us weeks to sift through).
What we can say is...
This bonus saves you a mind-boggling amount of money. And helps you stay successful for many years to come.
Why are you getting these extraordinary offers?
The answer's very simple. We're going "all in" to tempt you to try our System.
So when you see the amazing results you get.
And when you see...
Once you see all of this... And your INCREDIBLE success.
You'll be eager to get even more success and will become a VIP member.
So why dilly dally?
Try Epok.com today.
There's no obligation to buy later. No credit card needed. No strings attached.
And most importantly...
Please remember...
A few months from today you can be nothing more than a few months older. Or you can be on the path to incredible success.
Enter your details now.
These are not vague theories - Here's the proof:
Almost all top online marketers know and use these tactics when they can.
¹Join the email list of top online marketers like Drayton Bird, Pat Flynn, Justin Goff, Brian Kurtz, Daniel Levis, Ben Settle, Ian Stanley, Tim Stoddart or any number of successful online marketers...
And you'll see they email often, put stories in some emails and give away free stuff. And when needed put a video in an email.
**Sometimes what they give is free valuable information. Eg Justin Goff gave his email list a tip worth tens of thousands of dollars. Get it by joining Justin's list or as a bonus for trying Epok.com.
²With the reciprocity urge, a small favour can return a much bigger return favour: The power of reciprocity
⁴We experience a sense of joy when given an unexpected gift:
Why we love free stuff.
⁶Toolbox.com “Videos in emails raise open rates by at least 19% and click-through rates by up to 50%. And reduce unsubscribes by 75%."
Friends and colleagues are astonished at your success
Too Busy To Read It All.
(The 5 Key Points)
1. Many top online marketers (like Pat Flynn, Tim Stoddart etc) put videos in some emails.
2. Putting videos in emails increases email open rates.
3. Video stories help you build a relationship with your subscribers.
4. Start putting videos in some emails like top online marketers do - and you'll be more successful.
5. We've made it effortlessly easy to do this.
No credit card needed. Cancel anytime.